The Clean Water Act (CWA) Phase II Stormwater Final Rule is an unfunded federal mandate and is one of the reasons the city has implemented the stormwater utility. Other areas of concern include preventative maintenance, major improvements, emergency repairs, and pollution prevention.
Stormwater picks up a lot of things on its way to area streams and rivers – litter, road salt, lawn and garden chemicals and more. Illegal dumping of used oil, antifreeze or gas into the stormwater system poses a threat to the environment since this system discharges directly to our rivers and streams.
Stormwater pollution is a continuing problem throughout the United States. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the 1996 National Water Quality Inventory indicated that approximately 40 percent of surveyed U.S. surface waters did not meet water quality standards. Polluted stormwater runoff is believed to be one of the leading sources of this contamination.
The City of Newark has developed a Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) to meet the Phase II regulations, which define six (6) Minimum Control Measures that must be addressed as a portion of the SWMP. The intent of these is to reduce pollutants discharged by the City’s drainage system into waters of the United States.
The six Minimum Control Measures as identified by the regulations include:
*Citizens are encourages to mulch leaves or compost leaves when possible.
*Citizens are REQUIRED to bag leaves and place the bags at the curb. You must use biodegradable paper or corn starch bags. Bags will be available at local hardware stores.
*Placing loose leaves in the street is a VIOLATION of City of Newark and US Environmental Protection Agency standards. If you place ANY of your yard waste in the street. you will be cited and fined according to City Code.
*The City of Newark Street Department will drive around the entire area during the scheduled week.
*Citizens may arrange for a special pick up of bagged leaves by calling the Newark Street Department at (740) 670-7734. These pickups are generally scheduled for Fridays.