Affirmative Efforts

City of Newark Department of Development

Minority and Women Business Enterprise Affirmative Marketing and Outreach

The Newark Department of Development encourages minority-owned and women-owned business participation in the City of Newark’s HUD-assisted programs. We embrace the ideals of equal opportunity access and fair treatment in contracting and strive to maximize contracting opportunities for minority-owned and women-owned businesses.


City bids are openly advertised to all, submitted to plans rooms that in turn send the information out to their subscribers. The plans rooms can be accessed at: Construction Market Data

30 Technology Parkway South, Suite 100

Norcross, GA 30092
1-323-602-5079, ext. 77723

Builders Exchange Inc.

Laurel Screptock
9555 Rockside Road, Suite 300

Valley View, OH 44125

Construction Journal

400 SW 7th Street
Stuart, FL 34994

Phipps Reprographics

6920 Plainfield Road
Cincinnati, OH 45236
1-800-364-2059, ext. 8362


We advertise in The Newark Advocate, and generally post the advertisement on the City website.
MBE-WBE and small business outreach information, including links to resources available can be found at the Ohio
Department of Administrative Services, Equal Opportunity Division (ODAS), the City of Columbus Diversity & Inclusion Supplier Diversity, the Central Ohio Minority Business Association, and the Good Faith Effort Help | Trade & Focus Journal.

Subrecipients of CDBG and HOME funds, contractors, and subcontractors, will be required to take affirmative steps to use MBE-WBE firms. The City will provide training, guidance, and information to Subrecipients about complying with MBE-WBE marketing, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements through the annual mandatory meeting and through regular correspondence that occurs throughout the program year.

Minority-owned and women-owned business owners, who wish to be placed on a mailing list for contracting opportunities involving the HUD programs, can contact the Department of Development at 740-670-7530.

Click here for information: MBE and WBE Plan

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